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ICQ# 16388743














The Platter

It looks like your 3.5-inch floppy disk or a CD, but it can store a lot more data. Most platters are made up of an aluminum alloy (it is very light weight) it is coated with a film of some magnetically sensitive material. There are two ways of doing this. A compound syrup mixture is poured and then spun on the platter to evenly distribute the film over the entire platter. The main ingredient (iron oxide) is why many platters that you see are brownish-orange in color. The other main media consists of a thin film of a cobalt alloy and is placed on the platter through electroplating. Some companies have started to use glass platters, which can be made much thinner than the aluminum kind and can better resist the heat that is produced when in use.


The Read/Write Arm

An actuator mechanism (located where it says magnet) moves the read/write arm across the platter surfaces in an arc to read / write the data on your drive.


The Read/Write Heads

There was only one read/write head on this drive. It was located at the very end of the read/write arm; it reads the topside side of the platter. The tiny read/write head on the end of each arm are not actually touching the platter surface; it rides on a cushion of air so small that a particle of dust could screw up your entire drive.

Now what is very interesting about the hard drive is that the data that is stored on the platter starts from the center of the platter then works it’s way out. So if you have the platter half full, the arm moves the head only half way where the last data is. When you have the whole platter full and start to delete data from it what you are doing is making holes of empty space in the platter, in turn, making the arm move a lot more. By defragging your hard drive you are correcting this. What you are doing when you defrag is getting all the data from the outside edge and moving it in closer to the center so the arm moves less in turn speeding up your hard drive.


You always want to keep good maintenance on your hard drive, so run the program defragmenter and scan disk that is in Windows. The other important thing that you should know is that the hard drive is a very fragile piece of hardware. So when you get mad at your computer please do not bang it around. It would be like banging a record player while playing a record it would skip and you hope there will be no scratch, in our case a bad sectors (I know first hand, I had 198 bad sectors in my hard drive) so be careful.


Page 5 - The Destruction










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